Noble ancestral culture should be preserved, including the matter of beauty secrets.

The whole beauty tips mentioned above will help you to maintain the beauty of the facial skin, body skin and hair health. Good luck, good luck …! * Netz / November· Using a moisturizer and body lotion, wear loose-fitting sleepwear and turn aromatherapy· Eat a fruit salad to hydrate the skin and drink plenty of water· Scrubbing or exfoliating at least once a week· Use a good quality moisturizer· Clean the poresActivities you do every day, affects the condition of skin and hair, exposure to sunlight can make the skin and damaged hair. Follow beauty tips before sleep under it for beauty care for hair and skin so the skin is always healthy and can receive well stimulation from the outside in the morning and afternoon:Beauty Tips Before Bed
5. Soak using saline solution is believed to maintain healthy skin and muscle stress relieving therapy. Bath salts capable of absorbing oil and solve the problem of body odor.4. Face mask of yogurt and mashed fruit useful to prevent skin breakouts while keeping facial skin health and beauty. Apply the mask mixed fruit and yoghurt on the surface of the face and let stand until the mask is dry, the content of milk in yogurt can help brighten the skin.3. Use a hair oil. Hair beauty tips is quite interesting to try. Our ancestors used hair oil regularly to improve blood circulation and keep the hair and scalp moisture. Let stand overnight so that the nutritional hair oil seep perfectly to the root of the hair.2. Benefits of cucumber cool place to cope with bags under the eyes. Fatigue lead to dull skin and eye puffiness arise. Overcome eye bags that interfere with utilizing cucumbers. Thin slices of fresh cucumber and place the cucumber slices over closed eyes. Do it this way to get fresh eyes free of eye bags.1. Women ancients evaporation manually at home. Begin by boiling water and insert a few slices of lemon or cucumber, hold your face in the cooking water so that its vapor permeates the entire surface of the skin. Get used to this treatment every week for 20 minutes.Even some natural herb used by ancestors still preserved and used until today. Here are some of the secrets of female beauty tips from our ancestors that are worth trying:Although previous technology was not as sophisticated now and beauty clinic in ancient times was not as fancy as now, skin care and hair done by women in the past were not as effective in many ways modern hair and skin care, which until now had been developed. It is undeniable that our ancestors more use of natural resources for its beauty. The women at that time had a powerful natural tips to maintain and care for beauty.All ancestors have beauty care tips are quite diverse. There are more inclined to facial treatments, and some are more interested in exploring the potential of natural resources for health care for the hair.