The exhibition “Ramadan Bazar 2013”

The exhibition, titled “Ramadan Bazar 2013” was organized by Disperindag Surabaya . Followed by a wide range of industrial manufacturers and UKM in Surabaya and surrounding areas. This event took place during the month of Ramadan and implemented in 5 different places.

Following this exhibition schedule

1. Jl. Sentra Fish, kec. Bulak date. July 11-13

2. Lap. Gunung Anyar, kec. Gunung Anyar of date. July 14-16

3. Grudo flat, kec. Tegal Sari tgl.18-20 July

4. Pandan Sari Building, kec. Benowo date. July 21-23

5. Waru Gunung towers, kec. Karang Pilang date. July 27-29

Visit our booth, and get superior products of Sekawan Cosmetic with giant discount of course  (during the event).

Additionally during the event, purchase Shantos Romeo Perfume Ainie Envy 100 mL or 100 mL Light Blue Perfume Holly and get hand & body lotion 100ml.