Until now, pompadour hair style is still a trend. Even musicians Justin Timberlake and some soccer players did not want to miss to spread this hair trend.
The pompadour hairstyle does look simple but, actually it’s not that easy to create cool slicky hair. It takes a special technique and the most important thing is choosing the right pomade.
Many do not know pomade yet. What is pomade? Pomade is a product used to keep hair stylish and stylish. The shape is solid similar to wax. Pomade began to be known since the 1990s. Pomade is made from ingredients such as coconut oil, wax, lanolin, and fragrances to give a distinctive aroma.
Basically pomade is a wax mixed with oil but, as the pomade era develops not always purely using a mixture of oil. Therefore, you should know some types of pomade so when used in accordance with the needs and types of your hair.
Oil-based pomade is perfect for you active and lots of outdoor activities because it is more durable and resistant to weather, even sweat. This pomade can make your hair quaff or pomp style. The basic ingredients of the oil make the hair feel sticky and oily so it must be cleaned several times while shampooing.
2. Water Based Pomade
You who have long, wavy sleek haircuts try using water based pomade. Your hair will feel softer and fall naturally. The use of water base and chemical mixture will make your hair clean in one shampoo. Water-based pomade with medium resistance is Shantos Romeo Styling pomade.
3. Mixed Based Pomade
For a water-based mixture of oil and oil, in terms of resilience is almost close to oil-based pomade, but the shiny effect caused unlike two other pomade types. For those who want a more durable hairstyle look but easy to clean, this type of pomade is the right choice.
- wolipop.detik.com/read/2014/10/06/162948/2711032/234/mengenal-jenis-jenis-pomade-dan-harganya
- majalahouch.com/mengenal-jenis-pomade-yang-sesuai-tipe-rambut-lo/