It was no longer his time that men exhibited their masculinity in a frenzy. Women now prefer men who look after the tidiness and cleanliness of their appearance.

Do not have to be diligent to the salon, but not wrong also for skin care. And it’s not just about cleaning or moistening. Here, as reported by the Times of India, is a men’s care:

Prioritize CTM Routine

Like women, CTM routines (Cleaning, Toning, and Moisturizing) are also important for men. These routines cleanse the effects of pollution, dust from cars, cigarette smoke, or pollution exposed to the skin everyday and can damage the skin. Actually, men’s facial skin is more oily and thicker than women. That’s why men need a good facial cleanser for different skin types.

Cleanser is important as skin hygiene and removes dead skin cells. Use a mild cleanser that cleans skin without having to be dried. People who are lazy to clean face together and it can cause blackheads. Solid, cleansing the face is a sensation to avoid acne money. For fresheners, use rose water is enough.

To moisturize the skin is necessary to prevent rupture, dry or dull skin. Likewise, itchy skin is very annoying. Diligent use of a moisturizer will help the itchy skin nudge. Apply a lot of moisturizing cream to your skin and body. Using color burning does not mean it will be greasy. Choose a mild moisturizer and can protect the skin in a long time.

Diligent Scrub

Routine scrubs are important to eliminate dead skin cells and bacterial infections in the skin. If lazy scrubs, the pores will be covered with dirt piles leading to acne prone skin.

With diligent scrubs, the skin will look brighter and healthier. Once a week, the face is practically scrubbed. The skin will slowly help smooth the skin and brighten the skin. The diligent benefits of facial scrubs smooth the hair follicles that make it easier when shaving and reduce irritation.

Trimming the beard

Now the beard is shaved neatly by attracting many women’s attention. The beard can also be shaved according to the desired model and it becomes the identity of a man.

In addition to cutting neatly, beards must also be diligently cleaned. Whether it’s with a facial cleanser or shampoo. If using shampoo, do not be too excessive because then make the skin dry. While staying healthy and moist is the main goal. If you want to look more stylish again, apply a few drops of fragrance after fragrance.